"We are biologically wired to find inspiration through our connection with the natural world." ---Mona King, Artist
Eyes seemed to linger on each piece. There was an air of contemplation among this crowd. Art openings can be rather raucous once the hors d’oeuvres and libations have been served. ---Not this crowd. Instead, a peace seemed to prevail.
The mark of a well-orchestrated art gallery is one that creates a calming milieu for individuals to interact with the art. The background of historic Revolution Cotton Mills (a division of Cone Mills) was simply ideal for sharing Mona King’s vision.
Mona is a colleague and friend of mine. She is an exceptional interior designer with an eye for architecture and a mindset for considering the well-being of others. It is a part of her DNA, as her mother had a passion for gardening and all things nature.
Mona confides that this is what had the most effect on her creativity. Utilizing the innate beauty of nature, she creates a montage of moss, sticks, rocks, and other gathered objects. Sometimes planned. Sometimes spontaneous. Always created while listening to her favorite jazz music.
The unique compositions spark a sense of intrigue. The longer one studies a piece, the more they see or their mind allows them to creatively envision. From the soft murmurs and finger pointing, it was easy to recognize how Mona’s creations were germane to comfort and emotional fitness.
Private commissions have led to commercial and residential installations. In all situations, the spontaneous reaction is, “Can I touch it?” To this, Mona always replies, “Of course.” It is meant to stir your soul, and that it does.
Personally, I was taken by her sense of composition. The combination of materials, shapes, backgrounds, and framing was fresh. Her vision is to continue this path of distinctiveness and include sculptural creations.
I am most certain that they, too, will have a very comforting affect on viewers. In a world of technological torment, I believe Mona has created a bit of respite for the eyes and soul.
This was A Moment in America.
Mar 3, 2020, 9:18:24 AM
Austin Rese - Thank you, Mona! Living Aura is a beautiful amalgam of materials and inspiration. It is a pleasure to share your creativity.
Mar 2, 2020, 8:51:02 PM
Ramona King - I am truly honored by your review. As you are a curator and exceptional designer, your words humble me. Thank you!